Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Benefits of Blogging in the Classroom

Blogs can be used in a variety of ways in a school setting including...
~ for discussion between students and teachers
~ present projects to others
~ embed photos, videos, presentations, etc. to share resources
~ as a newsletter to update parents about what is going on in the classroom

Blogs fit into the curriculum of many subjects because they are a great use of technology and can be used to publish a variety of projects for students to share between each other to enhance learning. One example of the use of a blog would be if students were studying different countries in Social Studies. I would have my students each create a blog to have a journal to share with their classmates. The students could journal as if they were in their assigned country and say what foods they eat, what hobbies they have, where they go, activities they do, and more to share the culture of their country in a unique way. They could also embed pictures from the country, short videos, or songs from their country.

The purposes of blogging include publishing works and sharing resources with others in a new way that is accessible to students wherever there is a computer, inside or out of the classroom. Students are able to save their work as it is in progress in the cloud and then share it with everyone when they are finished.

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