Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Web Tools

Hello! This past week I focused a lot on web tools to use in the classroom. I am sharing with you some of my favorite web tools that are easily applicable to many grades and subjects. These are all fairly easy to use and are extremely helpful. Go explore!

Glogster can be accessed on the web and can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom. I have used it before to make an advertisement, a biography, picture collage, and an end of the unit project. Glogs are can be very helpful as you can add Youtube videos, sound, animations, pictures, text, and more to personalize it. They are fairly easy to use and are tons of fun to play around with. I will definitely consider asking my students to use Glogster for assignments similar to what I have done in the past.

Prezi is another free resource that is available on the web. This is a unique and creative way to present information for any subject as a summative project. Alike Glogster, you can also add Youtube videos, text, and photos to your Prezi. I personally never used this before college, but have since found it a valuable resource. I find it fun to personalize and entertaining to watch. 

Educreations can be used to record someone writing and talking durin
g a lesson. There is an iPad app available for this tool, or there is a website which has the same capabilities. Tools such as markers, backgrounds, and photos can be used to construct a lesson. The record button will record all activity on the app and one's voice. Once a lesson is completed it can be shared with students through the website, Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, uploaded to Youtube or a web link. There is also access to lessons created by other teachers. These lessons can be downloaded and used in the classroom. It can also be helpful to record parts of a lesson for a student who may be absent.

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