Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Graphic Organizers

Hello everyone! This Monday I taught my lesson to the 6th graders at Sabish Middle School! Although I was nervous, it went perfect. I feel so relieved to have gotten that out of the way. My lesson focused on teaching sensory language and imagery through poetry. A large portion of it the students were using graphic organizers to put down their ideas in an orderly fashion. I found that these tools worked perfect in my lesson. They guided the students' writing and ideas and supported them as learners. So this week I am sharing the three graphic organizers that I used during my poetry and sensory language lesson. I also have found a ton of websites that have great graphic organizers that I may have never seen or used before. Some of them are even interactive because you can type on the organizer right on the website. Super cool! Graphic organizers can work great to guide learning in any subject!

Graphic Organizer 1: Students sorted the poem lines into the corresponding sensory boxes
Graphic Organizer 2: Students wrote down a line from the poem and then drew what they pictured when they read it
Graphic Organizer 3: Students created their own imagery, had a friend draw it using their description, and then they had the opportunity to revise it if needed to help their reader

Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers
Houghton Miffliln Harcourt Education Place

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