Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Museum Box

Hello! This week I sharing a resource with you called Museum BoxThis site provides the tools for you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. What items, for example, would you put in a box to describe your life; the life of a Victorian Servant or Roman soldier; or to show that slavery was wrong and unnecessary? What if you lived during the English Civil War, what items would you include to make a case for, or against, the parliamentarians? And what if you were an abolitionist and wanted to show that slavery was wrong and unnecessary, how would you create your evidence? Museum box provides the tools for you to do just this. It allows you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. You can display anything from a text file to a movie. You can also view the museum boxes submitted by other people and comment on the contents. This resource could be used to have students in a social studies classroom research a person during history and create a museum box to show what they learned. It would be a fun way for students to display their knowledge about a topic and allows them to view and comment on their classmates' projects as well.

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