Monday, April 7, 2014

National Geographic for Kids

Hello! This week a great resource that I found was National Geographic for Kids online. There is a variety of resources on this website including educational games, videos, photos, information on animals and pets, news, and other fun topics. The resource that I love the most is the one about countries. Once you click on the countries tab you are able to pick which country you would like to learn more about. When you decide on which one to research, it provides you with a variety of kid friendly information referring to the geography, climate,  history, people and culture, and government government of that country. All of this information is found under the facts and photos section of the country. Each country also has a video, map, e-card, and a print feature. I love the organization and language of National Geographic. It is informational while also being interesting. The print feature allows you to print off a kid-friendly version of the information if not all of your students have access to a computer in school or at home. It would be an awesome site for kids to use during a webquest or any project concerning a country!

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